Putting AI threats in perspective

Submitted by Darren Oh on

Lately the technology and economic podcasts I listen to have been filled with speculation about the dangers of artificial intelligence. Friends and colleagues have worried. What if the capabilities of AI continue their exponential growth? If AI became more powerful than humans, could it be controlled? Would AI see humans as competition to be eliminated? What could we do to stop it? These threats sound new. In reality each of us has be dealing with threats like these our whole lives.


Fixing Homebrew

Submitted by Darren Oh on

I was unable to update ddev yesterday due to a Homebrew error. This left ddev unusable. Apparently I had used the macOS system Ruby to install some Ruby gems in the past. Completely uninstalling and reinstalling Homebrew didn’t help. The only fix was to remove the Ruby gems I had installed with the system Ruby:

A shared slide show for local Drupal events

Submitted by Darren Oh on

At the DrupalCon Portland community summit, we discussed how local meetup organizers could support each other by maintaining a shared slide show for meetups. I have started a slide show and am looking for volunteers to join me in building it. Leave a comment on the issue in the Event Organizers Working Group if you can help.


Impressions of Lakeland city commission candidates

Submitted by Darren Oh on

I had the privilege of meeting the Lakeland mayoral and city commission candidates on September 29 at an event hosted by the Lakeland Chamber of Commerce. I want to thank the Chamber of Commerce for organizing this event and the candidates for being willing to speak directly to individual voters like me. Ordinary citizens like me seemed to be a minority of those in attendance. For those who were not able to attend, here is a run-down of my impressions. With one exception, I think all the candidates would serve Lakeland well.


How free software can sustain contribution from hero developers

Submitted by Darren Oh on

Last week, I wrote about how free software has to break out of the customer-vendor mindset. The customer-vendor mindset doesn’t work with free software because users don’t pay and developers don’t provide customer service. The free software community works on a build-what-you-use model. I ended by saying that the build-what-you-use model is not enough to sustain hero developers—people who contribute at a level that cannot be sustained by their own use of free software.

Free software has to break out of the customer-vendor mindset

Submitted by Darren Oh on

I was able to spend some time in the DrupalCon Community Summit yesterday. One of our topics was how a paid ecosystem could align with Drupal core values. We have developers who are not getting paid for the work they do to support their projects, and users who complain about the support they are given as if they had paid for it. Developers feel like users are bad customers because they don't pay, and users feel like developers are bad vendors because they don’t provide support.

Jesus in Paul’s letters

Submitted by Darren Oh on

I enjoy listening to the Skeptics Guide to the Universe podcast. Skeptical investigation is necessary to find truth. But because we can’t personally investigate everything, we may be misled when we have to rely on what appear to be skeptical investigations by others. This seems to have happened to Steve Novella in episode #806 of the Skeptics Guide.


Facts about Christmas: Yule

Submitted by Darren Oh on

Last year, I researched the origins of Christmas and Christmas trees. I had heard claims about the pre-Christian origins of Christmas so much that I expected to have no trouble finding actual evidence for them. In fact, the claims were rumors that began centuries after the traditions had become established in Christianity. There was no evidence of pre-Christian origins for Christmas or Christmas trees.


What happened to Republican integrity?

Submitted by Darren Oh on

As soon as Justice Ginsburg died, the same Republican senators who promised in 2016 that they would never vote on a Supreme Court justice in an election year said they would vote on a new justice in 2020. It would be tempting to say I never believed Republicans anyway, but I do remember a time when I believed Republicans.
